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Our contribution model enables product teams to add new features based on their product requirements. At the same time, it allows us to keep an eye on the quality and consistency of the user experience.

You can find all ongoing contributions in Notion.


We ask that you bring ideas to our team before carrying out the work. This will help us to understand what you’re trying to achieve, and what’s stopping you from achieving this with Telescope today. Starting with a conversation also helps to reduce potential rework and frustration for you as a contributor.

After an initial conversation and assessment of an idea, we talk contribution process. We distinguish between three types of contributions, which is a model inspired by Zalando.

A simple bug fix or small design tweak to an existing design element.

We always encourage feature teams to take on light contributions themselves. This helps in getting the work done faster and makes our design system a shared responsibility. If a team agrees to take on a light contribution, the process looks something like this:

  • Adjustments in design and/or code libraries
  • Review and quality assurance to avoid regressions
  • Release of branches in code and Figma

A bigger change to an existing design element or pattern.

Medium contributions may be a bit time consuming. But in many cases, it should be possible for teams to fit in the work as part of building their features. If a team agrees to take on a medium contribution, the process may look something like this:

  • Contribution proposal is submitted to clarify the problem (add a proposal)
  • Kick-off meeting is scheduled to clarify the process
  • Research is conducted to map out use cases and best practices
  • Implementation in code and design libraries
  • Documentation is updated for our website and in Figma
  • Release and promotion in our Slack channel and/or Monthly Meetups

The introduction of a new design element or pattern.

Heavy contributions can be a time consuming and highly iterative process. And we need to be mindful around delaying feature delivery. But if time and resources in the feature team allows for it, fantastic! The process for adding a new component may look something like this:

  • Contribution proposal is submitted to clarify the problem (add a proposal)
  • Kick-off meeting is scheduled to clarify the process
  • Research is conducted to map out use cases and best practices
  • API exploration is done to determine preliminary interface
  • Implementation in code and design libraries
  • Documentation is updated for our website and in Figma
  • Release and promotion in our Slack channel and/or Monthly Meetups
  • Deprecation of similar design elements in our applications
This page is a draft. Its content is likely to change.