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Telescope is a collection of reusable user interface patterns and tools, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build digital products and experiences at Pleo.

We strive to obtain a cohesive and consistent user experience across Pleo’s products, while facilitating efficient workflows and collaboration between designers and developers.

We help identify and capture design decisions in order to standardise our user interfaces and then aim to help designers and developers adhere to those decisions (without “policing”).

Telescope is consumed in Pleo applications to various degrees. Based on our metrics and the general knowledge we have, usage currently looks something like this:

You can find our roadmap in Notion. The roadmap outlines our planned design and development path, which is subject to change based on user feedback and needs.

The direction for Telescope is set by the central Design Systems team at Pleo. Growth is partially pushed to product teams who drive the evolution of the system.

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  • Join our weekly Office Hours to share design system ideas and/or get assistance
  • Join our monthly Meetups for demoes around changes and new features