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Design primitives such as colors, typography and spacing.
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Color Content Interactive
Default colour for text and icons that are part of interactive elements.
AA 15.91
Color Content Interactive Hover
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements in a hover state.
AA 17.78
Color Content Interactive Quiet
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements that should attract less attention.
AA 4.74
Color Content Interactive Link
Text and icons that are part of links.
AA 4.89
Color Content Interactive Link Hover
No description available
AA 8.46
Color Content Interactive Disabled
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements in a disabled state.
AA 1.92
Color Content Interactive Inverse
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours.
AA 15.91
Color Content Interactive Inverse Hover
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours in a hover state.
AA 21
Color Content Interactive Inverse Quiet
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours and that should attract less attention.
AA 7.59
Color Content Interactive Selected
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements in a selected state.
AA 15.91
Color Content Interactive Selected Hover
Text and icons that are part of interactive elements in a selected and hover state.
AA 21
Color Content Interactive Placeholder
Text and icons used as placeholders in form input elements.
AA 4.74
Color Content Static
Default colour for text and icons that are part of non-interactive elements.
AA 15.91
Color Content Static Quiet
Text and icons that are part of non-interactive elements that should attract less attention.
AA 4.74
Color Content Static Inverse
Text and icons that are part of non-interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours.
AA 15.91
Color Content Neutral
Text and icons that signal something neutral.
AA 15.91
Color Content Negative
Text and icons that signal something negative.
AA 5.15
Color Content Negative Hover
Text and icons that are part of a destructive interative element in a hover state.
AA 7.52
Color Content Negative Loud
Text and icons that signal something negative. Only use on colorBackgroundNegativeQuiet.
AA 7.03
Color Content Positive
Text and icons that signal something has gone well.
AA 4.69
Color Content Positive Loud
Text and icons that signal something has gone well. Only use on colorBackgroundPositiveQuiet.
AA 7.7
Color Content Warning
Text and icons that signal something requires urgent attention.
AA 15.91
Color Content Warning Loud
Text and icons that signal something requires urgent attention. Only use on colorBackgroundWarningQuiet.
AA 15.01
Color Content Info
Text and icons that signal important information.
AA 5.01
Color Content Info Loud
Text and icons that signal important information. Only use on colorBackgroundInfoQuiet.
AA 6.68
Color Content Discover
Text and icons that signal something new in the product.
AA 4.86
Color Content Discover Loud
Text and icons that signal something new in the product. Only use on colorBackgroundDiscoverQuiet.
AA 9.45
Color Content Category Entertainment
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'entertainment' category
AA 3.49
Color Content Category Equipment
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'equipment' category
AA 3.49
Color Content Category Marketing
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'marketing' category
AA 3.66
Color Content Category Meals And Drinks
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'meals and drinks' category
AA 3.5
Color Content Category Office
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'office' category
AA 3.46
Color Content Category Phone And Internet
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'phone and internet' category
AA 3.53
Color Content Category Software
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'software' category
AA 3.47
Color Content Category Travel
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'travel' category
AA 3.48
Color Content Category Service
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'service' category
AA 3.44
Color Content Category Supplies
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'supplies' category
AA 3.48
Color Content Category Other
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to the 'other' category
AA 4.35
Color Content Category None
Icons used to signal an expense belonging to no category
AA 4.35
Color Content Category Unknown
Icons used to signal an expense whose category isn't known
AA 4.35
Color Background Interactive
Default colour for backgrounds of interactive elements.
Color Background Interactive Loud
Backgrounds of relatively large interactive elements.
Color Background Interactive Louder
Backgrounds of relatively small interactive elements placed on top of loud or coloured backgrounds.
Color Background Interactive Hover
Backgrounds of relatively small interactive elements in a hover state.
Color Background Interactive Quiet Hover
Backgrounds of relatively large interactive elements in a hover state.
Color Background Interactive Disabled
Backgrounds of interactive elements in a disabled state.
Color Background Interactive Inverse
Backgrounds of interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours.
Color Background Interactive Inverse Hover
Backgrounds of interactive elements with reversed background and foreground colours in a hover state.
Color Background Interactive Selected
Backgrounds of interactive elements in a selected state.
Color Background Interactive Selected Hover
Backgrounds of interactive elements in a selected and hover state.
Color Background Interactive Transparent
Background of interactive elements placed on top of images or documents (e.g. invoices and receipts).
Color Background Interactive Transparent Hover
Semi-transparent backgrounds of interactive elements in a hover state.
Color Background Static
Default colour for backgrounds of non-interactive containers.
Color Background Static Loud
Backgrounds of non-interactive containers that should attract some attention.
Color Background Static Louder
Backgrounds of non-interactive containers that should attract significant attention.
Color Background Static Loudest
Backgrounds of non-interactive containers that should attract the most attention.
Color Background Static Page
The background upon which everything else is placed.
Color Background Static Backdrop
Semi-transparent backgrounds that sit between an overlay, such as a modal, and the rest of the underlying UI.
Color Background Static Inverse
Backgrounds of non-interactive containers with reversed background and foreground colours.
Color Background Neutral
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something neutral.
Color Background Neutral Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something neutral.
Color Background Negative
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something negative.
Color Background Negative Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something negative.
Color Background Negative Quiet Hover
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something negative and are in a hover state.
Color Background Negative Hover
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something negative and are in a hover state.
Color Background Positive
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something has gone well.
Color Background Positive Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something has gone well.
Color Background Warning
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something requires urgent attention.
Color Background Warning Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something requires urgent attention.
Color Background Info
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal important information.
Color Background Info Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal important information.
Color Background Discover
Backgrounds of relatively small elements that signal something new in the product.
Color Background Discover Quiet
Backgrounds of relatively large elements that signal something new in the product.
Color Background Presentational Gray
Final brand color for backgrounds of elements that need to attract attention and are differentiated based on colour.
Color Background Presentational Green
Tertiary brand color for backgrounds of elements that need to attract attention and are differentiated based on colour.
Color Background Presentational Pink
Primary brand color for backgrounds of elements that need to attract attention and are differentiated based on colour.
Color Background Presentational Purple
Tertiary brand color for backgrounds of elements that need to attract attention and are differentiated based on colour.
Color Background Presentational Yellow
Secondary brand color for backgrounds of elements that need to attract attention and are differentiated based on colour.
Color Background Category Entertainment
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'entertainment' expense category
Color Background Category Equipment
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'equipment' expense category
Color Background Category Marketing
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'marketing' expense category
Color Background Category Meals And Drinks
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'meals and drinks' expense category
Color Background Category Office
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'office' expense category
Color Background Category Phone And Internet
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'phone and internet' expense category
Color Background Category Software
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'software' expense category
Color Background Category Travel
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'travel' expense category
Color Background Category Service
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'service' expense category
Color Background Category Supplies
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'supplies' expense category
Color Background Category Other
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed from the 'other' expense category
Color Background Category None
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed when they do not have an expense category
Color Background Category Unknown
Backgrounds upon which icons are placed when the category isn't known
Color Background Notification
New: Experimental
Background of relatively small UI elements that signal something new and actionable, such as a dot for new features or a count of items the user needs to take action on
Color Border Interactive
Default border colour of interactive elements.
Color Border Interactive Quiet
Borders of interactive elements that should attract less attention.
Color Border Interactive Loud
Borders of interactive containers that should attract attention.
Color Border Interactive Hover
Borders of interactive elements in a hover state.
Color Border Interactive Disabled
Borders of interactive elements in a disabled state.
Color Border Interactive Selected
Borders of interactive elements in a selected state.
Color Border Interactive Selected Hover
Borders of interactive elements in a selected and hover state.
Color Border Static
Borders of non-interactive containers.
Color Border Static Loud
Borders or separators of non-interactive elements that should attract attention or are used on top of loud static backgrounds.
Color Border Neutral
Borders of elements that signal something neutral.
Color Border Negative
Borders of elements that signal something negative.
Color Border Negative Hover
Borders of interactive elements that signal something negative and are in a hover state.
Color Border Positive
Borders of elements that signal something has gone well.
Color Border Warning
Borders of elements that signal something requires urgent attention.
Color Border Info
Borders of elements that signal important information.
Color Border Discover
Borders of elements that signal something new in the product.
Color Shadow Focus
Default focus ring colour.
Color Shadow Focus Invalid
Focus ring colour for interactive elements in an invalid state.
Color Shadow Depth
Default shadow colour for elevations.
Color Shadow Depth Quiet
Shadow colour for subtle elevations.
Color Shadow Depth Loud
Shadow colour for strong elevations.
Shadow Elevate
Shadow that elevates elements from their bottom edge.
Shadow Elevate Loud
Shadow that strongly elevates elements from their bottom edge.
Shadow Elevate Quiet
Shadow that subtly elevates elements subtly from their bottom edge.
Shadow Raise
Shadow that raises elements off the page from all edges.
Shadow Raise Quiet
Shadow that subtly raises elements off the page from all edges.
Shadow Focus Regular
Default focus ring for interactive elements. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Shadow Focus Regular Invalid
Default focus ring for invalid interactive elements. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Shadow Focus Offset
Offset focus ring for interactive elements with a border resembling the focus ring. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Shadow Focus Offset Invalid
Offset focus ring for invalid interactive elements with a border resembling the focus ring. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Shadow Focus Inset
Inset focus ring for interactive elements with no space around them. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Shadow Focus Inset Invalid
Inset focus ring for invalid interactive elements with no space around them. However, use Telescope's `focusRing` utility for focus states, instead.
Border Interactive
Default border of interactive elements.
Border Interactive Quiet
Borders of interactive elements that should attract less attention.
Border Interactive Loud
Borders of interactive containers that should attract attention.
Border Interactive Hover
Borders of interactive elements in a hover state.
Border Interactive Disabled
Borders of interactive elements in a disabled state.
Border Interactive Selected
Borders of interactive elements in a selected state.
Border Interactive Selected Hover
Borders of interactive elements in a selected and hover state.
Border Static
Borders of non-interactive containers.
Border Static Loud
Borders or separators of non-interactive elements that should attract attention or are used on top of loud static backgrounds.
Border Neutral
Borders of elements that signal something neutral.
Border Negative
Borders of elements that signal something negative.
Border Negative Hover
Borders of interactive elements that signal something negative and are in a hover state.
Border Positive
Borders of elements that signal something has gone well.
Border Warning
Borders of elements that signal something requires urgent attention.
Border Info
Borders of elements that signal important information.
Border Discover
Borders of elements that signal something new in the product.
Border Dark
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Darkest
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Error
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Light
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Lightest
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Primary
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Border Success
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Size Border Default
No description available
Size Border Thick
No description available
Size Border Thickest
No description available
Font X Small
Warning: Deprecated
No description available
Font Small
No description available
Font Medium
No description available
Font Large
No description available
Font X Large
No description available
Font2 X Large
No description available
Font3 X Large
No description available
Font4 X Large
No description available
Font5 X Large
No description available
Font Weight Regular
No description available
Font Weight Medium
No description available
Font Weight Semibold
No description available
Font Weight Bold
No description available
Line Height1
No description available
Line Height2
No description available
Line Height3
No description available
Motion Within Small Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a short distance within the screen.
Motion Within Small Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a long distance within the screen.
Motion Within Large Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a short distance within the screen.
Motion Within Large Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a long distance within the screen.
Motion Enter Small Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a short distance when entering the screen.
Motion Enter Small Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a long distance when entering the screen.
Motion Enter Large Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a short distance when entering the screen.
Motion Enter Large Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a long distance when entering the screen.
Motion Exit Small Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a short distance when exiting the screen.
Motion Exit Small Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a small element over a long distance when exiting the screen.
Motion Exit Large Short
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a short distance when exiting the screen.
Motion Exit Large Long
The easing and duration for motion happening to a large element over a long distance when exiting the screen.
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
Z Index Surface
No description available
Z Index Overlay
No description available
Z Index Window
No description available
Z Index Dropdown
No description available
Z Index Tooltip
No description available
Z Index Navigation
No description available
Z Index Modal
No description available
Z Index Popover
No description available