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A form element that enables users to select a single or multiple values from a list of options.
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Use a Select when users need to select one or multiple values from a large list of options. For small lists of options, consider using a Radio group or Checkbox group instead.

We promote usage of this component in combination with our Form control component to maintain layout consistency and ensure form accessibility. The Form control supports advanced use cases such as hint text, help popovers and error messages.

The label of a form element should be clear and concise, ideally under three words. It should describe the value of the element and not what the user needs to do in order to fill it out properly.

Never omit a label. Form labels are required for accessibility purposes. However, it may be acceptable to hide the label visually in certain cases.
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Mark the minority of form elements in a form as required or optional. This helps users scan the form and understand what is required of them. Type out the word optional or required in the label. E.g. "Per purchase limit (optional)". Don't use asterisks or other symbols.

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Use hint text to give users clear guidance for data entry. Keep it brief and avoid repeating the label or other form details. If it feels redundant, try removing it. We keep help text above the input field to have the reading order match the visual order, which is needed for screen readers.

If no category applies, choose "Other"
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Use help popovers to aid first-time users or to clarify complex concepts. The help popover can contain interactive content and may be used to provide links for further information.

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Provide clear and helpful error messages that guide users toward a solution. Instead of merely stating the problem, ensure the message is specific and actionable. Avoid vague or shaming language.

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Choose an expense category

Disable a form element to indicate that it’s currently unavailable. This can be used to maintain layout consistency and communicate that the element may become available later. If the form element will never be available in a given context, leave it out.

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Use a clearable select when you want to allow users to remove the selected value. This will show a "clear" ("x") button in the input field when a value is selected.


Use multi select to allow users to select multiple options from the list. For instance, you might want to allow users to tag an expense with multiple categories.

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A prefix icon can be supplied to provide a visual cue about the type of options available. The icon will be shown when no option is selected, or if the options do not have icons of their own.

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Options can be separated into distinct groups (sections) with a label for each group. This is useful if you have options that belong to different categories.

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Options can be disabled to prevent users from selecting them. This should be used when the option is not applicable in the current context. If an item is never applicable in a certain context, it should instead be excluded from the list of options.

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Use option icons to provide visual cues about the type of options available. A common use case is for expense categories where icons can help users quickly identify an expense type.

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Use option descriptions to provide additional helpful details about the options available and/or in cases where the label alone may not be enough for users to distinguish between options.

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We support avatars as a way to quickly identify items. By incorporating both a visual cue (e.g. the user's profile picture, or company logo) and textual information (the item label), this variation facilitates a quick and accurate selection of items from a list, enhancing user experience.

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Avatars can be enlarged for enhanced visibility. These are meant to be used in combination with a description to provide additional details such as a user's role or department in situations where such information is useful or necessary for distinguishing between options.

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In cases where you many selects and want users to have quick access to the selected value, it can be useful to show the selected value when hovering over the select. When enabled, the full value will be shown after hovering the Select for a few seconds.

Maximilian Alexander Montgomery Beauregard III

The implementation of this component has been informed by our form accessibility guidelines.

Refer to our Forms guidelines for general advice on forms structure, validation, and more.

  • Checkbox group: A form element that enables users to select multiple values from a list of options.
  • Form control: Form control displays a labelled input and, optionally, associated validation text, help popover, and/or hint text.
  • Radio group: A form element that enables users to select a single value from a list of options.