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A small overlay that opens on demand. Popovers allow users to access additional content and actions without cluttering the page.
( the 'i' icon to see a popover in action)
  • Traps focus within the popover.
  • Flexible and unopinionated.
  • Animates and positions out of the box.

See our design pattern around overlays to learn why and when you should use this component.

Adheres to the Dialog WAI-ARIA design pattern. See Radix documentation for details.

  • Feature tip: Used to help users learn about new or unfamiliar interface features.
  • Help popover: An icon button with a question mark that reveals help information on click or tap.
  • Modal: A page overlay that displays information and blocks interaction with the page until an action is taken or the modal is dismissed.
  • Tooltip: A popup that displays information related to an element when the element receives keyboard focus or the mouse hovers over it.