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Icon buttonNew: New

Enables users to control the visibility of other UI elements.
  • Comes in three visually different variants.
  • Supports three sizes.
  • Has a required Tooltip to ensure clarity around the button's function.

At Pleo, we use Icon Buttons for actions that affect the visibility of other UI elements. Examples include closing a side panel, navigating between items in a side panel, and toggling the visiblity of filter controls. For more definitive actions, such as creating, editing, or deleting content, we prefer our regular Button component.

Use for important actions that affect the visibility of other UI elements.

Use for actions of regular importance that affect the visibility of other UI elements.

Use for less important actions that affect the visibility of other UI elements.

The component supports four sizes.

Use the Icon prop to specify which of our icons to show in the button.

The component comes with a required Tooltip to ensure clarity around the button's function. See the Tooltip component's API for details.

If the icon within a button is widely recognised and clearly conveys the associated action (e.g., a "close" icon in a Modal component), it is acceptable to omit the tooltip.


Please refer to the WCAG guidelines for more information on when this is sufficient.

Pass the disabled prop to disable all interactions with the button.

Use a "skeleton" version of this component to display a loading state while data is being fetched. It provides a visual placeholder, giving users a preview of the UI structure before the actual content is loaded. This enhances the user experience by offering a more accurate representation of the final layout during data retrieval.

By default, the aria-label is automatically generated from the content prop in tooltipProps, but only when the content is a string. If the generated label isn't descriptive enough, if the content is not suitable for screen readers, or if dangerouslyOmitTooltip is enabled, you should manually provide an aria-label for accessibility.

When the button is hovered or focused, the aria-label is removed, and an aria-describedby attribute is added, pointing to the element containing the tooltip's content. This ensures assistive technologies announce only the aria-describedby content, avoiding duplicate announcements.

  • Button: A clickable element which communicates that users can trigger an action.
  • Button group: A layout component used to group multiple related actions a user can take.