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Checkboxes are most commonly used when there are multiple items to select in a list. Users can select zero, one, or any number of items.
  • Supports invalid state
  • Supports indeterminate state
  • Formik wrapper available

At Pleo, we often use checkboxes for users to apply filters to lists. They are also commonly used to ensure that users consent/understand the consequence of performing an action.

To add an error message, you'll need to use our Form control component.

Admit that you love expenses

Use the isRequired property to programmatically (not visually) mark a checkbox as required. This sets aria-required="true" on the checkbox, which communicates to assistive technology (e.g. screen readers) that the checkbox is required.

When a checkbox is linked to several other sub-checkboxes who's values aren't all the same, it should show up in an indeterminate state. Clicking or tapping on it once should make it checked and change all sub-checkboxes to selected. A second click or tap should uncheck it and set all the sub-checkboxes to unselected.

The skeleton property is used to display a loading state for the component while data is being fetched. It provides a visual placeholder, giving users a preview of the UI structure before the actual content is loaded. This enhances the user experience by offering a more accurate representation of the final layout during data retrieval.


If you submit a form with an indeterminate checkbox, the same thing happens as if the checkbox were unchecked — no data is submitted to represent the checkbox.

We provide a formik wrapper for this component. It accepts the same props as the regular Input but requires an additional name prop.

import {FormikCheckbox} from '@pleo-io/telescope'
export default () => (
<Formik initialValues={{checked: true}}>
<FormikCheckbox name="checked">I love expenses</Checkbox>

If you have multiple checkboxes that are related to each other, wrap them in a CheckboxGroup component so that we can achieve a consistent layout between form elements.

  • Form control: Form control displays a labelled input and, optionally, associated validation text and/or hint text.
  • Radio group: A form element that allow users to select an single option from a list of at least two options.
  • Segmented control: A hybrid somewhere between a button group, radio buttons, and tabs; segmented controls are used to switch between different options or views.
  • Switch: A control used to switch between two states - often on or off.